Hamburg Schiffsbug

25 experts discussed in the virtual SPaT/MAP workshop

In the function of the office for TAVF, ITS mobility together with the City of Hamburg successfully organised a virtual all-day workshop on SPaT/MAP on 25 March 2020. More than 25 experts, including vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, system providers and municipal infrastructure operators, took advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas. The topic was the digital provision of information on the current and future traffic light signal and the existing road topology and therefore the basis for automated and connected driving in urban areas. 


Due to the positive feedback ITS mobility as TAVF office will organise an additional workshop in the second half of the year to discuss further aspects of SPaT/MAP with experts and to define common findings. 


Even in the currently situation in Germany and worldwide due to the corona pandemic, the TAVF office is still available for users and interested parties, accepts contact forms and gladly discusses new application ideas in virtual form. The infrastructures along the test track are still in operation, only service work may be temporarily delayed. These can also be requested at the office:


Copyright: FHH BWVI, Thomas Reinecke

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