Hamburg Schiffsbug

Test track for automated and connected driving will continue to operate in the future

On 29.04.2022, the TAVF event took place on the occasion of the successful set-up of the test track for automated and connected driving in Hamburg. Experts and Hamburg's transport authority exchanged insights and experiences from the past four years. Dr. Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport and Mobility Change of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg opened the all-day event and confirmed to the more than 70 participants the continued operation and further development of the free and user-open test track for research purposes. Plans now include connecting the track to the Elbe bridges. The main topics for the future include the protection of vulnerable road users, public transport prioritisation at traffic lights and emergency vehicle warning and prioritisation. In addition to technical presentations, the participants were offered various live demonstrations. During a bus ride along the test route, the passengers were able to experience the test route and the messages sent, a technical assistance system for the navigation of blind and visually impaired people in the urban environment was presented and the participants were able to convince themselves of the advantages of a traffic light phase assistant.


All contributions from the event will be made available here.


Press impressions:


NDR 90,3: Teststrecke für automatisiertes und vernetztes Fahren wird verlängert


Hamburg1: Bilanz der Teststrecke für vernetztes Fahren


ZEIT ONLINE: Experten beraten über automatisiertes und vernetztes Fahren Zwölf Kilometer Teststrecke in Hamburg: So klappt’s mit dem Verkehr der Zukunft





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